Child and Family Focus SA (CAFFSA) is the South Australian peak body representing the needs and interests of children, young people and families connected with or at risk of entering the child protection system, and the not-for-profit, non-government organisations who support them.

Our Mission 

Our mission is to collaborate, advocate, and promote innovation. We empower child and family agencies to share innovative solutions and advocate for the highest standards of care, whilst insisting on the strong early intervention focus required to build a resilient foundation for the well-being of South Australian children and families.

Our Purpose

Dedicated to nurturing a secure and supportive community, CAFFSA champions the needs of South Australian children, young people, families, and the non-government, not-for-profit organisations that support them.

To do this, we are committed to strengthening South Australian child and family agencies, fostering collaboration, and advocating for excellence in service provision.

News and Events 


Recent Submissions

CAFFSA submission Economic and Finance Committee Submitted
Final Workforce Development Report
Submission on the review of consent laws in South Australia
The South Australian Not for Profit Funding Policy Review
CAFFSA’s Submission to the Inquiry into the application of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle in the removal and placement of Aboriginal children in South Australia
CAFFSA Election Policies and Responses 2022 State Election

CAFFSA was delighted that three of the six CAFFSA Election Policies developed
in conjunction with members (workforce development, funding for the community visitor scheme, and more adequately meeting the needs of young people leaving care until they are aged 21) were all included in the incoming Labor Government’s platform.

CAFFSA Election 2022 Policy_Transition from Care

CAFFSA Election 2022 Policy_Reportable Conduct

CAFFSA Election 2022 Policy_Workforce Development

CAFFSA wrote to the then Shadow Minister for Child Protection, the Hon Katrine Hildyard, MP about our six election policies and received correspondence from her outlining the Labor Government’s election commitments.


CAFFSA Response_The Hon Rob Lucas

CAFFSA Submission to the 2022 Review of the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017
CAFFSA Submission to the Foster and Kinship Care Inquiry

The CAFFSA submission to the Independent Inquiry into Foster and Kinship Care was submitted to the Inquiry on 17 May 2022.
As well as focussing on local, national and international evidence, our submission
incorporated recommendations arising from the previous hard work of CAFFSA’s Care Concerns Working Group and their Transitions in Care Working Group.
We also ensured it covered the themes of submissions made by our member agencies
and suggestions that were received and reviewed and endorsed the voices of carers
that were so well represented in the submission made by our colleagues at Connecting Foster and Kinship Carers SA.

Download and read the submission:

CAFFSA Submission to the 2022 Foster and Kinship Care Inquiry

Upcoming training and events

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Child and Family Focus SA acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work, the Kaurna and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. Sovereignty has never been ceded and this was and always will be Aboriginal land.

We appreciate and celebrate diversity in all its forms. We believe diversity of all kinds makes our teams, services,  organisations and communities stronger and more effective.